Citrus II Instant Hand Sanitizing Lotion is a moisture-rich gel that kills 99.99% of most common disease-causing germs on the hands in seconds. Citrus II is ideal to use when soap and water hand washing is not available. And for extra safety, it should be used after hand-washing to kill any remaining germs. Citrus II...Read More
Cast Comfort is a unique new aerosol spray product that keeps casted patients happy! It stops the unbearable itching, soothes the skin and helps eliminate odor. Cast Comfort may be applied through fiberglass casts, or directly to the skin under the casts. A thin plastic applicator tube allows patients to direct the cooling aerosol spray to problem...Read More
[space height=”10″] 0.9% Normal Saline Sterile By prescription only Helps moisten wound dressings, debridement, and device irrigation. [space height=”20″]Read More