[column col=”1/2″] Book a Wheelchair | Los Angeles: Your choices will vary depending on factors such as your weight and mobility preferences. We rent in Weekly and Monthly increments. Call Us Today (310) 829-1777 [/column] [column col=”1/2″] Only $35 per week ! * * For Standard Wheelchair [/column] [column col=”1/2″] FOR RENT [/column] [column col=”1/2″]...Read More
[column col=”1/2″] >h4>Wheelchair Rental Service | Los Angeles Your choices will vary depending on factors such as your weight and mobility preferences. We rent in Weekly and Monthly increments. Call Us Today (310) 829-1777 [/column] [column col=”1/2″] Only $35 per week ! * * For Standard Wheelchair [/column] [column col=”1/2″] FOR RENT [/column] [column col=”1/2″]...Read More